Wednesday, October 31, 2012

 First Halloween customers. 
 Neighbor said I was cheating with electric pumpkin.
I had glow sticks in 5 paper towel tubes and cut out eye shapes.  No one even noticed.  I thought it was cool. (when Jeri comes home tonight it may scare the crap out of her. teeheehee)  Almost ran out of candy tonight. First time ever.. Had probably 70 kids.  I should have known after a 7 ft.  Marilyn Manson in 5 inch spike heals came to the door it would be a different evening..  Most of the kids were very polite.  I thought it was funny when they would pull out the candy I threw in their bags and they would check it out before they moved out of the way..  One kid cried because Jonathan cut in front of him.  lol.  The old kid who came to the door just looked at me because he knew who I was.  Willie is his name and he's 21.  He knew that I knew that he knew.  Know what I mean?   Well another Halloween is over and November just begins.. How time flies...

1 comment:

Laura said...

I guess I'm cheating, too, because I have one of those electric pumpkins also! LOL!

You have some fun photos on here, Jan. Is Jeff your husband? My husband's name is Jeff, too! We seem to have a lot in common.